Notification: With heavy hearts, we express our condolences for the lives lost in the Gaza-Israel & Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Ticket Management Software

Our Ticket software is a customer-facing reservation system that allows customers to book ticket for all vehicles. These programs are used by travel agencies to perform all of their booking-related duties, to improve the reservations process.

Ticket Management Software

It resembles the transition to a borderless world. The travel industry has benefited greatly from the reality of globalization. One could argue that globalization benefits from the travel industry. Regardless of how one looks at it, more people are traveling every day and exploring a few places that were once remote destinations on a map. Similarly, technology has advanced at an undeniably rapid rate and is now used by a small number of people all over the world. With the combination of globalization, technological advancement, and the recurrence of travel, there is a need to provide a clever application capable of addressing the issues of travelers who use cell phones everywhere.

Time is money in business, and when it comes to booking tickets and managing travel, there can often be a lot of back and forth. Any time and resources saved is beneficial to both small and large businesses. HRsoft BD offers online and offline Ticket booking solution.



Key Features

  • Ticket automation
  • It can send tickets through multiple channels
  • It lets users view the status of tickets
  • It provides customers an option to deploy self-service
  • Personalized ticket pages
  • Ticket categories and tags
  • Customizable ticket templates
  • Customizable ticket status options
  • Personalized ticket pages by customer
  • Customizable ticket submission form

The Advantages

  • It is a sufficient means of communication between the customer support department and the customers. The customers can raise a complaint via e-mail, SMS and social media.
  • It solves issues related to customers in a short period of time.
  • The ticket sale management systems are fast in receiving the complaint and sending a feedback.
  • They track the response time hence ensuring fast and steady speed in responding to customer issues
  • Better Customer Experience
  • Enables Prioritization of Work
  • In-Built tracking and reporting

Other Features

  • Detailed Reports and Analysis
  • Public and private actions on tickets
  • Product and inventory association
  • Customizable ticket status options
  • Full customization
  • Reporting tools

The ability to control the process of booking tickets is critical. It is required in order to avoid double bookings, confirm bookings, or remove tickets from the website. In addition, the administrative panel allows for the creation of new events or the addition of transportation units, ensuring the system's reusability.

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