Our Expertise. Know more about what we do
NORTHERN AGRO SERVICES LTD. The Biggest Fertilizer Manufacturer in Bangladesh. The Northern Agro Services Ltd (NASL) has invented and introduced various types of crop based Balanced Fertilizer, by using the balanced fertilizer farmers are growing crops in their field and getting more benefits as well as maintaining soil health since 1992.
71 Shadhinota newsportal app we know about all type of countryside news.
Rajshahi Barta app news portal publishing from Rajshahi, bangladesh.We know about all Rajshahi division news by this app.
Teknafnews is a newspaper publishing from Bangladesh. Teknaf newspotal app publishing teknaf all news and countryside news.
Best Health and Medical Website Templates For Clinics, Doctors or Medical Agency. Any medical institution, doctor, dentist, clinic, hospital can use this. Dynamic appointment feature also available.
Online Blog Design and Development. A huge number of member / user can register and post unlimited opinion. HRSOFTBD designed a good number of online site already.....
Simanta TV news app is Online News Portal App which publish news countryside and world wide .
Contract Management Software very easy to use, Project wise report, Labor, Purchase, Maintain cost etc Manage. Admin, Site Manager, Partners Access Manage securely. Complete Accounts advantage...
Many organizations feel like an engaging, attractive website is out of reach. This may not sound like a website feature at all, but your website should instantly tell your visitors what differentiates your organization from others.
The people of Bangladesh will able see the Namaj / Prayer time table for each and every day in a year.Registered users can save their Namaj prayer time, As like-The time when they take prayer themselves.
We provide the best solution for Online News Portal Design and Development. At lower Price you can make a news paper site with so many feature. we designed and developed about 200+ online news portal.
Voice Call Service for Office use like: Election, Official Announce etc
SP APP is a security APP which will increase security among police members in bangladesh. General people will take help if they need. People can send complaint to police with photo, video or any other attachment.
VIP Meeting Schedule app save all meeting schedule related information.
Biggapon Channel | News & Ad Service Worldwide.
CTG Sangbad app is Online News Portal in Bangladesh.They published all Bangladesh Online News, Latest News, sportnews,entertainment news and all other news.
Trust Television IP | A Popular Online Tv News Chanel In Bangladesh.